Systems in Ministry

Navigating relationship complexities in ministry contexts

Our Systems in Ministry programs aim to promote systems thinking in diverse Christian ministry contexts that aids in the development of mature ministry workers who engage in fruitful and sustainable ministries. We do this by growing our understanding of ourselves amidst our relationship complexities while equipping others to do the same.


Visit our Systems in Ministry website for more information about what’s on offer for those in ministry

What do the Systems in Ministry programs offer?

1. Theory

Online modules provide an understanding of Bowen Family Systems Theory while guided reading introduce ministry-oriented literature to extend thinking about the ministry contexts.

2. Ministry Application

Supervision groups contribute a rich collaborative learning environment providing the opportunity to consider the application of theory to ministry situations with peers and faculty staff

3. Personal Development

Understanding yourself, your own functioning and your own relational habits creates a level of self-awareness that helps navigate some of the pastoral and personal dilemmas faced in ministry